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DEF Volunteer of the Year 2020

DEF regularly hears from individuals applying our materials in creative and inspiring ways, something we encourage. DEF Volunteer Hugh McElveen is a great representative of these individuals.


Hugh founded a consulting organization called InterroBang where he is “using decision skills and DEF’s work is an important part of that". He is "blending various approaches to bring them to vulnerable, minority, and under-represented communities”.

From the DEF December 2020 Newsletter

Before I came to Hugh, I knew what IS was but I didn't realize how much it was limiting me in my music, my teaching,  and my relationships. After completing my coaching sessions, I feel as if the weight of unreasonable judgement of myself has been lifted! I'm kind of walking on air now.

Opportunities that have come my way since I'm embracing with confidence rather than questioning myself as to if I deserve the experience. I knew what IS was, but I could not have gotten to this level without Hugh's  guidance.

T.I., Musician, Florida

Hugh’s coaching involved challenging my perceptions, seeing things in different ways and confronting my basic insecurities. What worked for me was the equitable nature of the coaching. I never felt like I was in ‘therapy’ or being lectured to. Instead, I enjoyed discussing important issues with a highly knowledgeable professional who not only ‘knew his stuff’ but knew how to communicate it in a friendly and practical manner.


I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Hugh to any musician who has similar self doubts.    

S.L., Musician and Author, U.K.


I asked Hugh to present a live video masterclass for our community at Musical U, on the topic of "Imposter Syndrome for Musicians". I was blown away by the session - as were our attendees! Hugh did a fantastic job both of distilling down his extensive expertise and making it accessible to all, and tailoring it specifically for this audience by addressing the experiences, challenges and opportunities of musicians in particular.


I was very impressed by his professionalism throughout the project and was immediately eager to discuss further projects with Interrobang.

Christopher Sutton, Founder and Director of Musical U


I got a call “from out of the blue” from the leader of the jazz big band I used to play in. He called me to join him in reading through Real Book tunes and improvising. The old me (prior to coaching with Hugh) would have said “no” thinking that I needed more time to be ready. Instead, I dove right in.

R.G., Musician, USA

InterroBang Limited

Because Everybody Benefits

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