

Schools & Students
Before we work together we like to have a initial consultation or coaching session to understand your needs better. This is the best way to ensure we are can best help you find a your solution.
There is no charge for this exploratory consultation.
As we develop new solutions we offer the chance to pilot these services for existing and past clients. If this is of interest to you let us know and we will invite you to participate.
Most of our coaching is a one-to-one service and our most popular coaching services focus on Imposter Syndrome and Decision Skills.
We also provide group decision coaching for small groups. Effective group problem solving and decision making is an important element in healthy relationships.
To make sure it is a coach you really need please see the terms section at the bottom of this page so that we can provide you with the best possible service.

We are more than happy to answer all your questions about customised, on-line and residential courses. Please see our solutions page for a range of the course we can offer. We are constantly researching new approaches so if you do not see what you want the chances are we can provide it for you.
During C-19 all courses will be via Zoom.
A consultant or coach can be confused with the terms below.
To help you feel confident that you have come to the right place we have provided definitions.

A person who gives professional or advice in an area where they have a particular expertise. The consultant uses information, research, experience and expertise to provide answers for the client's issue. The client will ultimately choose one of the solutions provided.
A person who supports the learner to move beyond negative feelings. Support focusses on problems brought by the learner. Counsellors primarily have expertise in counselling and usually specialise in a particular field. Counselling is a therapeutic process,
A person who serves as a role model based on their professional or personal experience. Their expertise tends to lie more in the topic and less in the mentoring. Through questioning, answering and observing the mentored develops an understanding of the expertise.
A person who is hired for their coaching expertise. Some coaches are generalists while others will specialise in areas where they also have an expertise. The role of the coach is to ask questions to challenge the coachee to overcome their obstacles. Their role is not to tell. Solutions ultimately come from the coachee.